Fundación OM Producciones ONG - Music International
22 años con la mejor música colombiana para el mundo!
Anibal Velasquez es uno de los mas grandes interpretes del acordeón de todos los tiempo en Colombia. Maestro con mas de 60 años de carrera musical ininterrumpida, en la cual ha grabado mas de 400 discos con los cuales ha logrado los mas altos lugares de popularidad en Colombia.
A sus 82 años aun conserva la vitalidad y energoa que siempre lo han caracterizado y continua tocando acordeón y cantando al mismo tiempo en cada uno de sus shows.
Master accordionist Anibal Velasquez's remarkable career spans more than six decades during which time he has made more than 300 albums. Born in 1936 to a musical family in the port-city of Barranquilla, he made his first recordings in 1952, scoring an immediate hit with a track called "La Gallina". He went on to become an in-demand session player before forming a band with his two brothers in 1960, whose experimental incorporations of regional styles and Cuban influences made them a dominant force in the Musica Tropical movement. But by the 1970s, the drug cartels and related violence forced Anibal to move to Caracas where he continued his prolific output for 18 years.
After all tose year out of Colmbia now he is back in Barranquilla enjoying rightful status as one of the few living legend of colombian's gloriuos music past
In 2012 Anibal Velasquez was an Official showcase at WOMEX Thessaloniki, after this showcase the band increased their tours in Europe, Mexico, USA and South America.